Comments on: Dr Allen Frances, the lead author of DSMIV, and the British Psychological Association, lead the chorus of opposition to disease mongering proposals in DSM5 The Story of ADHD in Australia Sat, 26 Apr 2014 17:48:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: usethebrainsgodgiveyou usethebrainsgodgiveyou Thu, 18 Aug 2011 13:52:03 +0000 One of these days parents are going to figure out that Psychiatry doesn’t have the answers. As billions of parents before them have done, children are going to be raised without drugs. Especially boys. It has gotten to the point where schools/daycares EXPECT children to be drugged if they aren’t passive.

Excuse my french, but what a crock of sh*t. Fifteen percent of boys are drugged, and people are angry at Dr. Frances. It’s time to turn the mirror on ourselves. Some kids are very, very hard to raise, and cause all kinds of problems. But they turn out okay. Their problem is NOT Ritalin or anti-psychotic deficiency.

I say this as a parent who gave their child ritalin for 9 years to him out of special ed classes full time. My son has an IQ of 140. He just was a square peg, and didn’t fit the system. Now, we homeschool. A LOT of parents homeschool to avoid drugs. He has been ritalin free for 3 years, and is starting Tech classes his senior year and finishing up with his GED. He’s a happy camper, and so are we.

The thing is, you need drugs for school, add some more for homework, and then drugs to counteract those drugs so you can sleep. And we don’t even know the long term effects on children. Maybe the zombies aren’t a literary device, but a futuristic vision, eh?

Sorry…don’t get me started.

Parents need to grow up.
